Kennedy Carpet Sales & Cleaning

Have a carpeting-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • How often should I have my carpets professionally cleaned?

    At Kennedy Carpet Sales & Cleaning, we recommend having your carpets professionally cleaned every 6-12 months, depending on foot traffic, pets, and overall usage. Regular cleaning helps maintain your carpet's appearance and prolongs its life as well.

  • What carpet cleaning methods do you use?

    Our IICRC-certified technicians use hot water extraction (steam cleaning) for carpet cleaning.

  • Can you remove all stains from my carpet?

    We have a high success rate with stain removal, but some stains, especially those that are old or set in, may not be completely removable. Our skilled technicians use specialized treatments to minimize the appearance of these tough stains.

  • Do I need to move my furniture before you arrive?

    We ask that you please remove all small or fragile items from the areas to be cleaned. We also ask that you unplug any electronics. As part of our Platinum Package, our technicians can help move larger pieces of furniture but for liability reasons, we do not move some items such as pianos, electronics, or heavy beds.

  • How much does professional carpet cleaning cost?

    The cost of our cleaning service depends on the size of the area, the type of carpet, and the level of soiling. Contact us for a FREE, no-obligation estimate!

  • Do you offer any guarantees on your carpet cleaning services?

    Yes, we stand by all of our work with a satisfaction guarantee. If you are unhappy with the results, let us know within 48 hours, and we will re-clean the area at no additional cost!

  • Can professional carpet cleaning help with allergies?

    It absolutely can. Professional carpet cleaning removes dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens embedded in the fibers, contributing to an overall healthier indoor environment and improved air quality.

  • Do you offer emergency carpet cleaning services?

    Yes, we offer 24/7 emergency carpet cleaning services for unexpected spills, stains, or water damage. Give us a call ASAP if you need urgent assistance.

  • How can I maintain my carpets between professional cleanings?

    Maintain your carpets between cleaning through regular vacuuming, promptly cleaning up spills, using doormats to reduce dirt entry, and rearranging furniture periodically to avoid uneven wear.

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